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How to increase libido in men effectively

The best ways to boost libido in men

I suspect you’re feeling pretty miserable since you’ve landed here after searching for how to increase male libido. Understandably, you’d love to find a magic libido booster because you’ve probably struggled with low libido for some time.

You want to be able to enjoy a healthy physical relationship.

I’m glad you’re here – it means that you want to find an effective libido enhancer to solve the problem – as far as you’re concerned, no doubt, immediately.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • How to increase male libido, including:
  • Drugs to increase libido
  • Why you need a medical checkup for the fastest result
  • 8 types of medication with low libido as a side effect
  • Hypnosis audio downloads for low libido
  • a ton more info, tips and advice.

Welcome, regardless of your gender

Where possible, I intend to use ‘they’ and ‘them’ instead of ‘he’ and ‘she’ in my articles. Instead of ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’, I use ‘partner’.

In my articles about marriage, I use ‘partner’ and ‘spouse’ with occasionally ‘husband’ and ‘wife’. In some, though, I may focus on a specific gender.

I’d like you to feel seen, accepted and welcomed, regardless of gender.

Please bear with me, though. I’m still working through my articles to implement that intent.

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Feeling embarrassed or guilty?

As a couples counsellor, I’ve noticed women find it often easier to talk about their lack of desire. (See How to increase libido in women.) 

Often, men feel guilty about their lack of interest unnecessarily – they can’t give their partner or spouse what they want. Low libido in men can be caused by a physical condition, emotional problems, medication or all three – much the same as for women. 

So, there’s no need to feel guilty, ashamed or embarrassed about needing help to boost your libido.

What is normal?

The ability to develop and maintain an erection can fluctuate, just like your libido. That’s normal, folks! And further down, you’ll learn all the factors that can impact both.

However, when you start worrying about either, you can get stuck in a vicious circle of anxiety and diminished performance.

So, please, don’t panic when you’re not performing like your usual self – give it a few weeks. And then, you’ll find here how you might start to improve your chances of increasing your libido.

From my practice

Alice was convinced Geoff was having an affair. She had done all she could to find out if he was cheating on her.

The truth was that Geoff had not turned away from her but turned into himself because he felt increasingly unable to cope at work.

Needless to say, he wasn’t feeling very lustful either! Alice had drawn the wrong conclusion about their lack of physical intimacy.

If only they had found a way to talk about all this sooner.

Understanding what’s causing your problem will help you to take the right action to increase your libido naturally if your doctor gives you the all-clear and if I can’t convince you to see your doctor first.

Why can it be so challenging to increase male libido?

A healthy desire and s*x life depend on several factors which all impact your ability to ‘perform’ (horrible word here, actually!). So, you might think you’ve dealt with one and still not have a result.

And that’s why I urge you to see your doctor first.

Drugs to increase libido in males

If you’ve decided you don’t care about looking for causes and tackling the root of the problem, you can ask your doctor for a Viagra to increase your libido.

However, I hope you love yourself enough to take a cool, calm look at the whole picture – your complete health and well-being.

So, read on to learn what else can stand in the way of a healthy libido and having a great physical relationship.

Why you need a medical checkup first

Your doctor can check if your problem might simply stem from low testosterone or whether you’re suffering from an underlying health problem.

Low testosterone – is your age the problem?

No, it isn’t, according to Australian researchers at the University of Adelaide. They discovered that depression and lifestyle factors, not your age, cause a decline in testosterone*.

Until we learned about the outcome of this study, we thought that men over 40 would have to expect a drop in testosterone. But you don’t need a libido booster on account of your age.

There has to be a significant drop in testosterone for this to lead to a decline in libido. If your testosterone levels are low, your doctor can prescribe testosterone injections, patches or gel.

Oh, and depending on your age and life stage, it might be helpful to know that men’s testosterone levels are naturally lower when they become a father.

Vertical image. Photo: strips of medication. Text: Low libido? Check the side effects of these 6 drugs!
Now 8 types of drugs with low libido as a side effect!

How your doctor can help

Finding the cause of low libido, erectile dysfunction and impotence

Generally, libido is separate from impotence. Impotence means the inability to develop and maintain an erection of a quality sufficient for performance.

However, your low libido can be the result of impotence.

Not being able to get an erection or maintain it can cause a huge sense of embarrassment, stress and consequential avoidance behaviour. That, in turn, can result in relationship problems. Your spouse is likely to think you’re no longer attracted to them or that you’re having an affair!

You won’t be surprised to know that it’s also linked with depression.

So, this is definitely a concern you need to discuss with your doctor.

Checking for unlying health problems

Your doctor will rule out any health problems, such as:

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • substance abuse

Reviewing your medication

You might be tempted to rely on Viagra or any other supposedly quick-acting magic cure. However, there may well be a more straightforward, more natural way to boost your libido.

The side effects of the drugs listed below include a reduction of desire. Did your libido plummet soon after you started taking any medications? Your doctor may prescribe an alternative.

8 kinds of medication that can cause low libido

  1. Recent research has shown that drugs for hair loss may cause your desire to drop into your boots. Propecia (finasteride – also prescribed for prostate problems) causes erectile dysfunction, decreased arousal and problems with orgasm in a significant number of men after long-term use. Worryingly the symptoms lingered long after they stopped using the medication (link at the bottom of the page).
  2. If you are taking antidepressants (SSRIs, MAOI, Tricyclics), don’t be surprised if your libido is not what it used to be. It may have already been affected by the fact that you were depressed. However, chances are it got worse since you have been on antidepressants. I get so cross with doctors sometimes as they often fail to consider that if men are depressed because they have relationship problems, they could only make it worse by putting them on antidepressants.
  3. Are you taking medication for epilepsy? Carbamazepine can cause impotence.
  4. Medication for high blood pressure also hurts your performance. Lifestyle changes – including a change in diet, have been proven to lower blood pressure.
  5. Lifestyle changes are also needed if you take medication for peptic ulcers and reflux disease. It may well be that stress reduction techniques and a shift in diet mean that your dosage can be reduced.
  6. Benzodiazepines are prescribed mainly for anxiety, panic disorder, sleep problems and depression. You can do much about these mental health conditions all by yourself! I have a wide variety of articles on mental health, so you can start to revamp your life today. You might also want to consider using self-hypnosis. See my article on self-hypnosis.
  7. Drugs to treat HIV
  8. Drugs to lower your cholesterol (LDL) – statins.

This list is by no means exhaustive. I’ve included the above to illustrate how important it is to talk to your doctor. A switch in medication might prove the fastest way to increase your libido.

And, let’s not forget that looking after your general health is a must if you want to improve and maintain your libido!

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  • Change therapists with a click of a button
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What if there’s no obvious medical problem for your low libido or impotence?

If your doctor has given you the all-clear, your libido may improve naturally. Nevertheless – having a low sex drive can be a warning sign.

As I have mentioned earlier, you certainly want to avoid becoming anxious about having a low desire and thereby doubling the problem (“Easier said than done”, I hear you say!)

So, let’s then look at medication to boost your libido.

Natural male libido treatments

Increasing libido in men with hypnosis

Hypnosis is the easiest, most user-friendly way to treat low male libido successfully.


Your unconscious mind controls your libido (in combination with your hormone levels).

The result of successful treatment with hypnosis for low libido?

You will generally feel much more lively and motivated because:

  • Dating (at least not the physical part) will no longer be such a worry
  • You won’t have to think of ways to avoid your partner or spouse’s advances
  • You’ll no longer worry about ‘bedtime’.
  • You won’t have to come up with yet another excuse
  • That sense of doom will be lifted.
  • You can enjoy a healthy physical relationship again without worrying about your performance.

The beauty of this natural treatment to increase libido is that you can do it in the comfort of your environment at times that suit you. It is safe, effective, good value for money and non-invasive.

All you need to do is just listen to it a couple of times a day!

So, I recommend the Hypnosis Downloads Bundle for Male Problems.

For detailed information on how hypnosis can help you, hop over to my page FAQ about hypnosis and audio downloads.

How to increase male libido naturally

The real downer of stress and depression – a loss of libido

Stress and depression are the most common causes of low desire in men.

I know you’re likely to feel rubbish if you are stressed or depressed, but I urge you to act because simply by taking control rather than just relying on medication, you’ll feel a great deal better.

Here is a list of articles to help you take action today:

Next, we’ll take a look at other causes of low libido and what you can do to enhance your libido naturally.

How to increase desire in men naturally

Too stressed at work? 

I can bet your bottom dollar that this has an effect at home, even if you’ve been trying not to take it home.

As human beings, we can cope with short periods of stress. However, prolonged periods of stress definitely take their toll on our body/mind.

There’s much you have no control over at work, so let’s look at what you do have control over.

 If you’re working in a toxic environment, I’d say: “Get out! Change jobs!” However, that may not be so easy. So, please hop over to my article on problem-solving strategies to discover what you can do to reduce the pressure. Also, read my article on how to deal with constant criticism at work (if that applies to you).

Smoking can cause low libido

The effects of smoking on fertility and performance


  • have increased DNA damage due to oxidative stress in their sperm cells (this can affect the next generation!)
  • produce less sperm of lower quality
  • have a higher chance of becoming impotent (erectile dysfunction)
  • might be less fertile.

See this study and The impact of cigarette smoking on human semen parameters and hormones

I won’t be in the least surprised if you’ve already tried to give up smoking – maybe several times. So, let your unconscious do the work instead of your willpower. I promise you it’s so much more effective!

It’s easy to do with the hypnosis audio download “Smoking Cessation“. on my Hypnosis Online FAQ page.

Increase male libido by dealing with marital or relationship problems?

About half of all people who suffer from depression have relationship problems. If that applies to you, it’s time to fix your relationship.

You may find that your decreased libido is a secondary problem that will resolve itself when the two of you get on again.

I’ve got your back here: my Loving Communication Kit for Couples will make it much easier for the two of you to repair your relationship.

Considering ending your marriage or relationship?

Maybe in the back of your mind, you’re no longer convinced you’re happy in this relationship. Perhaps you doubt you still love your spouse or partner.

If so, you’ve no hope of increasing your libido! If that’s the case, you might find the following articles helpful:

Increase male libido by getting enough sunlight. Really?

Could you be deficient in vitamin D? Your doctor could have it checked. Don’t be tempted to self-medicate, as too much Vit D will damage your health.

It would help if you got out and got some sun on your skin. Vitamin D is manufactured in your skin when exposed to sunlight. A deficiency can cause erectile dysfunction.

Sunlight also boosts your testosterone levels, completely free of charge!

Is your weight getting in the way?

Being overweight can also lead to impotence and low libido. What a daily fight it can be to lose weight!

Yet, weight management is essential when you’re now in desire. Again, I suggest you support your efforts with the help of self-hypnosis. You may find yourself to be more successful.

Consulting a specialist therapist

The next best step would be to contact a specialist therapist to help improve your physical relationship.

The therapist will talk with you (and your partner or wife) about what is involved in increasing your libido (and what can make making love more pleasurable for you both).

You’ll also be asked to set aside time for love-making. You’re given tasks and ideas for you both to explore and try out in the privacy of your own home. A series of sessions will help ensure that progress is made at a pace appropriate for each of you.

This type of therapist will also be able to identify any underlying issues that need sorting (if there are any). They may be able to help you with relationship advice, offer couple counselling or refer you to a couples therapist.


The worst action you could take would be to stick your head in the sand!

I hope this article has given you some indication of the probable cause of your low libido. It’s up to you to

Get a professional therapist to help you

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  • Individual online therapy
  • Online couples therapy
  • 1 live session à 45 min/week (video, voice or text)
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Change therapists with a click of a button
  • Therapy on a secure & confidential platform
  • Three subscription alternatives
  • Cancel or upgrade your subscription at any time.

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Other helpful links

Letter to an advice column in the New York Times.

$ 4.95 Pill That Kills Erectile Dysfunction Gets Biggest Deal In Shark Tank History

*Endocrine Society. Declining testosterone levels in men not part of normal ageing. ScienceDaily, 23 Jun. 2012, via ScienceDaily

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Medication image is a derivative of work by Pexels.